New Era in Humanitarian Health Summit, and award ceremony.

Our current reality over the past few years since the worldwide crisis is that many entrepreneurs, service section businesses, and professionals are paralyzed by indecision and fear. Still, this is a time of immense opportunity for growth and positioning our image for challenging world events. 

This summit aims to help you and your business develop a strategic -humanitarian Health Civility approach as the core of your business development, allow you to leverage resources and skills to make a significant positive difference in the image, build new income streams, connect you with international markets and positioning your company or services as a global expert in your field based on Humanitarian Health and Civility leadership training and endorsements of your service, profession, business or philanthropy activities. This summit includes three intensive workshops, an ambassador forum, networking, and an award ceremony. Please check the workshop and summit brochure for the details of the workshops and schedule.

Time is of the essence for many (by) the time you complete reading this special invitation, thousands of poor people and their children have died from diseases of poverty caused by lack of knowledge, incivility, and access to the resources or services that you as an entrepreneur have to offer. 

We are looking forward to welcoming you at this summit to collaborate and learn more about opportunities that are available to you that you may not be aware of to include you as part of our international network community, and, most of all, to take this opportunity to make an impact in this challenging time.

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